MAKING USE OF BODY PARTS – A gift from ‘Save Lives’ schemes; maintenance for the living; prolonging life with surgeons’seams.

Replacement parts are at the start of sharing all we are; the food chain with it’s physical sustain contains misgivings’ mar.

Nurtured humane kindness is the nourishment we get, when fed and bred – perpetuation met.

The X factors that Parents give, with love right from the start, to each brand newborn womb baby, conceived in a body part. (SENT WITH  LOVE & KISSES XX X)

‘WHAT CAME FIRST’? I innocently asked the egghead.

‘THE EGG CAME FIRST,’ Humpy Dumpty replied; ‘step inside love with me – the groom’s tempting his bride.’

Two in the yoke greeted Super-ego’s child; on waking the mind Superman’s Grimm grin smiled.

IT’S AN ARDUOUS JOURNEY IS KISMET – being born again & again, after Ragnarok’s Twilight sleep, and inheriting others’ chromosomes and egos etc.

DISNEY’S VIRGINAL VIRTUAL HEIRS have helped me a lot –

Samson’s power wasn’t really in his hair – Rapunzel’s story shows a Gene had blossomed in an Heir.

Delilah Gothal’s gall rose and blossomed in her ire; she became a crone that died when the shard sliced off Heir’s hair.

SO – DON’T WALK UNDER JACOB’S LADDER so you miss, Esau’s Judas followers who’ll receive a Jezeus kiss.

THE KNAVE Vs ACHILLIES HEAL: A Warrior’s coat of armour shields a Heart of Gold, then Loving Heals his Battle scars …  No shield can save a Bitter Warrior from his Knave.

THE SONG TO THE FILM, ‘Robin Hood Prince of thieves’, speaks for ECCE HOMO: … I’d DIE for you… You know it’s True, everything I do, I do it for YOU.